Alopecia Rorschach Series (2020)
The series articulates crip sick mad neurodivergent pain through sacred bodily rituals, signs and symbols.
Alopecia Rorschach Series (2020) is a series of digital monoprints using hair(loss) from complex trauma-induced alopecia, to subvert, deconstruct, and reclaim the ten common inkblot images historically associated with the standard Rorscach test (named after it’s creator Hermann Rorschach); a psychological test in which a patient’s perception of inkblots are monitored, recorded, analysed and deciphered into a diagnosis of psychological difference. Typically people perceive faces, animals, shapes, or landscapes within the chaos and symmetry arising from the blot of ink, however some see imagery relating to their own lived experience. The Rorschach test has been questioned by scientists since its inception, and amongst many reasons why, is the lack of reliability for tests like this. More concerningly, historically these projective tests (personality tests such as the Rorschah) have been used to medically incarcerate, and Other, people. Aminder articulates her experience of multidimensional pain; the physical, mental, cognitive, social, spiritual, religious, and political pains, alongside the chaotic navigation of life through multiple oppressions - racism, ableism, sexism, classism, ageism, and medical oppression such as medical racism- and disabilities, chronic illness, neurodivergence, mental health, prosthetics, and survivorship, by reclaiming the visible (the Other) and making the invisible visible.
Aminder reapproaches and re-creates the problematic Rorschach test as sacred bodily signs and symbols of autonomy, agency, accessibility, and perseverance against oppressive stereotypes and assumptions regarding physical, cognitive and mental functioning, ability, capacity, worth, and other capitalist notions, perceived and inflicted onto disabled people by society, and medical professionals serving under the medical model of disability.
Further experiments: these are double layered monoprints, escalating the chaos within crip, sick, mad, and neurodivergent worlds.
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