Birds of Paradise Theatre & National Theatre of Scotland Residency
BOP Artists was a residency opportunity in partnership with National Theatre of Scotland for disabled artists in Scotland to develop their skills and an idea for a new project that will impact on career and practice in the longer term. The initiative ran from September - November 2017.
For the ‘The Staff Infection’ trailer scroll down.
The Process and Creation of The Staff Infection
During the creation and construction of The Staff Infection set and installation.
During the performance at Rockvilla, National Theatre of Scotland in November 2017.
During this residency I had incredible access to BOP and NTS props, space/platforms, set designers, lighting and sound designers, construction workers, dramaturg's, directors, coaching and film-maker. I also had the honour of being mentored by two of Scotland's acclaimed artists Garry Robson (also Director of BOP) and Rosana Cade (Performance Artist) who I will still be working with for the next few months. My concept evolved throughout the residency towards the last week, the project surrounded themes such as identity, sexuality, disability and trauma surrounding the doctor - patient relationship, and its relation to my everyday..
To watch the trailer for ‘The Staff Infection’ and learn more about the end of residency show, click the button below.
X-rays (under the data protection act), images and works. All Rights Reserved ©️ 2021 Aminder Virdee.