The National Disability Arts Collection & Archive (NDACA) Award

During the NDACA Award period, and with the grant I was kindly allocated; I acquired wax, aluminium, wire and found a studio to create a draft sculpture, which in fact turned out to be the next sculptural piece I am developing.

Liminal Sophia: The Portrait (2018)

Materials: Wax, Aluminium, Aluminium Wire and Wooden Matchsticks.
Height: 42.5 cm

As you would with life drawing, this was created through life sculpting. With a beautiful model, I started creating quick sketches to outline where the bones and joints sit and how her unique body contrasts with mine. Using the personal and philosophical thoughts that preoccupied my mind, and the materiality of wax akin to flesh, and the aluminium akin to the foreign body implants that hold over 40% of my body together, I created Liminal Sophia: The Portrait, the outcome straddles the line between the personal and the social.

wax sketch 7.jpg
WAX sculpture aminder.jpg

Due to personal circumstances, I had to stop working in May. I will resume in November 2018. This is the work and progress for Liminal Sophia: The Portrait at the end of May 2018.

WAX 26.jpg
WAX 5.jpg
WAX 11.jpg